From the Importer: In 2006, Musa won a competition held by the government. As a reward, he was sent to participate in AFCA in Uganda, received prize money and a hand pulper. He used the prize money to expand his farm to 43.8 hectares, but, in 2008 the Ethiopian government introduced the Ethiopian Commodity Exchange, ending direct export and requiring Musa to sell his coffee at commercial prices locally in Agaro.
This changed in 2016 when the government began to liberalize coffee export and allow some farmers to hold their own export licenses. Crop to Cup was Musa’s first direct sale customer that year. Musa has inspired other farmers in the region—including his brother Gugu—to pursue direct export as a way to receive higher prices for their coffee. With the premiums he’s earned, Musa has begun to renovate his farm and replant using seedlings from his nursery; built new drying beds; purchased shade cloth; and built a larger warehouse.
Musa uses organic methods on his farm and also
cultivates avocados and keeps honey bees to diversify his revenue. Musa and Mustefa also operate a seed production business, selling seeds to the local
government seed banks.